We have a multidisciplinary team which fulfills with the current Norm and Legislation at a municipal, state and federal level, as well as international association’s codes.
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Verification unit type C in pressurized vessels
- Visual Inspection
- Verification of Pressurized vessels, Boilers and cryogenic tanks according to NOM-020-STPS-2011.
- Issuance of certification complying with NOM-020-STPS-2011 regarding pressurized vessels and boilers.
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Verification unit in safety and business health
- Non – Destructive Examinations
- Ultrasonic inspection for welding joint of full penetration verification
- Detection of failures by ultrasound
- Measuring thickness by ultrasound
- Magnetic particles
- Líquidos Penetrantes
- Visual inspection
- Pressure tests
- Revision and elaboration of drawings and calculation sheets of the equipment, as well as its safety device
- Consulting, advice and management
- Revision and elaboration of operation, maintenance and revision procedures
- Revision and elaboration of mechanical files to comply with NOM-020-STPS-2011
- Welding services
- Welding procedure (WPS)
- Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)
- Welders’ Procedure Qualification (WPQ)
- Special studies (Chemical analysis, electrochemical tests, electronic microscope, X Ray, failure analysis, material corrosion study)
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Environmental Verification Unit
- Environmental Services
- Environmental pre-audit
- Environmental diagnose for environmental certification
- Verification of compliance on Action Plan
- Management of environmental authorizations
- Legal compliance audits
- Preventive Environmental Impact reports
- Evaluation of Environmental Impact
- Environmental risk study
- Surrounding perimeter noise study
- Accident prevention program
- Technical study for change of ground use
- Waste minimizing studies (solids, hazardous and special handling waste)
- Plan de manejo de residuos (Sólidos, Peligrosos y Manejo Especial)
- Consulting on Environmental topics
- Training in Environmental matter
- Carbon bonds
- Reforestation programs
- Ground studies phase I and II
- Waste water treatment
- Elaboration and issuance of Environmental License (LAU)
- Elaboration and issuance of Yearly Operation
- Ground use license
- Environmental issuance with government and state
- Services in Industrial Safety and Work Hygiene
- Studies and Projects in industrial safety
- Safe Company application under STPS regulations
- Process Risk Analysis studies
- Emergency Response Plan
- Evaluation and Compliance of Mexican official norms
- Integration, registration and training of groups for emergency response
- Consulting for disasters: earthquakes, flooding, fires, explosions, leaks and spills
- Drill organization
- Management regarding government and state authorities
- Health risk Atlas
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Maintenance and Cleaning Unit
- We are experts and provide solutions in:
- Kitchen hygiene
- Bathrooms
- Floor caring
- Housekeeping
- Personal hygiene
- Automatic wash of surgical instruments
- Professional cleaning equipment
- Laundry
- Articles used for cleaning
- Diversey products:
- Reduce resource
- Lessens environmental impact
- Improve operational efficiency
- Help fulfill the environmental norms and food safety
- Are products safe to use and of a superior quality
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- Rig Pass
- Environmental protection
- Process risk analysis
- Firefighting crew
- Work in heights
- Sulfhydryl acid (H2s)
- Confined spaces
- Handling, Storing and Transportation of hazardous materials
- Industrial hygiene and occupational health
- Sling and Maneuvers
- First aids
- First aid crew
- Defensive driving
- Well cap
- Incident investigation, root cause analysis (ACR) basic level
- Incident investigation, root cause analysis (ACR) advanced level
- Electric safety
- Permit system for risk works
- Crew for search and rescue in Industrial areas
- Crew for search and rescue in Administration centers
- Dangerous atmosphere identification
- Major emergencies administration
- Critical procedures fulfillment and operational discipline
- Critical procedures fulfillment and operational discipline
- Work safety analysis (ast)
- Risk communication
- Labeling and locking
- Safe hands
- Tools and machines safe handling
- Effective audits
- Effective leaders resource forming
- Good manufacturing practices
- Forklift safe handling
- Pressurized vessels, cryogenic vessels and steam generators or boilers
- Chlorine gas handling
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Diseño y Comunicación
- Signaling according to norm 026 STPS
- Compliance of Mexican official norm NOM-026-STPS-2008
- Colors and signals of safety and hygiene
- Identification of risks by handled fluids
- Corporative image
- Stationery
- Cutting and laser printing of flyers
- Digital printing in latex technology format: adhesive vinyl, fabric, micro perforated vinyl, transparent vinyl, indi fabric, mesh fabric
- Vehicle labeling
- Recorte de Vinil.
- Laser stamps
- Sewing
- Thermal stamping
- Signaling and indicating
- Photo labeling
- Interior decoration
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